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Jurbarkas District

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Jurbarkas Tourism and Business Information Center

The Jurbarkas Tourism and Business Information Center is your primary source for news and information about Jurbarkas. Here you will find local news, community updates, accommodation options, upcoming events, route suggestions, and lists of places to visit.

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History of Jurbarkas City


The name Jurbarkas is connected with the Crusaders' invasion of Lithuania. The poetic Livonian and Peter of Duisburg's chronicles mention that in 1259, the masters of the Livonian and Prussian (Teutonic) Orders built a fortress on St. George's Hill in the Karšuva region to defend against the Lithuanians, and named it Georgenburg.

After the famous defeat at Durbe in 1260, the Crusaders withdrew from Georgenburg to Klaipėda (Memel). The Georgenburg fortress was destroyed. In 1336, the Crusaders rebuilt the destroyed Georgenburg and renamed it Jurgenburg.

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