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Reveal the Essence of the Green Region

Roam the scenic landscapes and landmarks of the Green Region. Embark upon historic hillocks, captivating museums, lush greenery, and unique natural attractions. Discover the beauty and heritage of the Green Region, all in one place.

Palumpiai Manor

Palumpiai Manor is first mentioned in written sources from 1660, though some records suggest it dates back to 1542.

Lakštingalų slėnis
Nightingale Valley

"Nightingale Valley" is a recreational area within the Pagramančia Regional Park, situated in the loop of the Akmena River.

Norkaičių etnokultūros ir tradicinių amatų centras
Norkaičiai Ethnocultural and Traditional Crafts Center

The Norkaičiai Traditional Crafts and Ethnocultural Center is located in the suburbs of Tauragė.

Senosios Batakių žydų kapinės
Old Batakiai Jewish Cemetery

In Batakiai, many Jews lived, so Jewish cemeteries were established at the beginning of the 19th century and burials took place until 1941.

Piktupėnų senosios evangelikų liuteronų kapinės
Old Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery in Piktupėnai

In the village of Piktupėnai, there are two non-functional Evangelical Lutheran cemeteries located approximately 300 meters apart.

senoves technikos muziejus smalininkai
Old machinery museum of Justas Stonys

A private museum has been established in the home of Smalininkai resident Justinas Stonys.

Opstainiu piliakalnis
Opstainiai Hillfort

This is the largest and most prominent of the hillforts located in the Rambynas Regional Park.

Pagėgiai Evangelical Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran church located in the center of Pagėgiai town.

Pagėgių savivaldybės kultūros centro Žąsų muziejus
Pagėgiai Municipal Cultural Center Goose Museum

On December 15, 2023, the "Goose Museum" was opened in Pagėgiai.

Pagramančia Outcrop

A cliff on the left bank of the Akmena River, situated in a stunning loop of the river, in the northern part of the Pagramančia town.

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