The Witches' Spruce is a multi-trunk Norway spruce growing near the town of Vilkyškiai, within the Vilkyškiai Geomorphological Reserve of the Rambynas Regional Park. In 2000, this tree was designated as a natural monument. At approximately 80 cm above the ground, the spruce branches out into 17 trunks. The girth of the trunk at the branching point is about 580 cm, and its height is around 34 meters. It is believed to be around 180 years old.
The name "Witches' Spruce" comes from its unusual shape. Its trunks and branches intertwine in a way that resembles tangled witches' hair. The tree is surrounded by various legends. It is perhaps the only spruce of such an impressive and unusual shape not only in Lithuania but also in Europe or even across the entire natural range of these trees.
A convenient access path and observation area have been set up for visitors. The tree is fenced off to protect it from unwanted root trampling.
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