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Varlaukio (Lybiškių) Railway Station Museum (Part of the Jurbarkas Region Museum)

Category: Museums
Varlaukio (Lybiškių) geležinkelio stoties muziejus (Jurbarko krašto muziejaus padalinys)

The Varlaukio Railway Station in Lybiškiai is being developed into a historical memory center related to the local population’s deportations, the Holocaust, the "wolf children," and partisan activities. The station has preserved all the architectural features typical of pre-war railway stations.

  • 1916: During the German occupation, the Germans constructed the Lauksargiai-Radviliškis railway line through Lybiškiai.
  • 1933: The station, named Varlaukio, was built, though the name does not correspond to the geographical location.
  • June 14, 1941: Approximately 60 families were deported from this station. In total, around 1,690 individuals were deported from the Jurbarkas district.
  • Since 1996: Each year on June 14, a Remembrance Hour is organized at the station, initiated by Lybiškiai librarian Laimutė Keterienė, to mark the Day of Mourning and Hope.
  • 2015: A commemorative plaque was installed on the station building by local deportees' initiative, honoring the events of that time.
  • 2001: The Varlaukio Railway Station was closed. Inside, authentic stoves, a waiting room with a ticket office, and distinctive floor tiles remain.
  • 2003: Spare rails were removed.
  • 2018: The Jurbarkas District Municipality took over the station building from AB "Lietuvos geležinkeliai" (Lithuanian Railways).
  • 2020: The Jurbarkas District Municipality approved the idea of the Lybiškiai village community to establish a historical memory center in the former station.
  • 2024: The Varlaukio Railway Station in Lybiškiai becomes a branch of the Jurbarkas Region Museum, featuring the first exhibitions: “Kaunas IX Fort: The Fight for Freedom and Independence. Occupation. Deportation” and the Jurbarkas Region Museum exhibition “Deportations of Lithuanian Population During the Second Occupations.”

Historical Memory Center in Lybiškiai

  • Address: Lybiškiai, Stoties g. 1
  • To visit: Call the on-duty employee, Laimutė Keterienė, at +370 682 36003.

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