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Romuva of Ožnugariai

Category: Historic Monuments
Ožnugario Romuva

Ožnugaris Romuva is a sacred space imbued with meaning through tree sculptures and stone constructions. Spread over a 10-hectare forest area, the Romuva is established in an ancient place enveloped by a sacred aura - the Trišiūkštė Valley, which is known for its energetic anomalies and formed above Earth's crust faults. An astrological Altar is installed in the Romuva. It consists of twelve altars, shaped like a snake from the base to the top of the hill, the Temple of Love with a sculpture of the goddess Milda (almost 6 meters tall!), sculptures of the Caretaker and Žemyna (Earth Mother). Nearby is the center of the Romuva - a sacred grove surrounded by a mound about 1 meter high and several meters in diameter, formed from piled stones.

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