In the southern outskirts of Batakiai town, at the confluence of the Ancios and Ūkio (Batakės) rivers, there is a mound called Pilute, Pilaite, or Švedų kalnas. South of the ditch surrounding the mound lies an ancient settlement. It is speculated that the Žemaičiai Aukaimis Castle once stood on the Batakiai mound. Aukaimis Castle was a fortress – a refuge. The castle was systematically guarded by the surrounding residents. In times of danger, everyone would flee to it. Aukaimis was an important castle defending the land of Karšuva, part of the defensive ring of castles in Samogitia. In 1345, the Teutonic Knights defeated the Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas near Aukaimis. After the introduction of Christianity in Lithuania, in 1387, the last Lithuanian Krivių Krivaitis (pagan priest), named Gintautas, chose Aukaimis as his final place of residence.
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