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Gedimino Mound with Monument

Category: Historic Monuments
5_Gedimino kapo kalnas (2).jpg

Gedimino Mound is a truncated cone-shaped hill with steep slopes of 10-25 meters high, surrounded by a terrace about 3 meters wide. The mound began to be referred to as Gedimino Mound in the first half of the 19th century. Legend has it that the Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania is buried on this mound. In the mid-17th century, during the war with the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the mound's surface was heavily damaged while fortifications were being constructed. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, ditches were dug and embankments were built on the mound's surface and slopes. From the 17th to 18th centuries, burials took place on the mound and its surroundings. Today, in the center of the mound's terrace, there stands an altar built from stones during the period of Lithuanian national revival.

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