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Seredžius St. John the Baptist Church

Category: Architecture
Seredžiaus Šv. Jono Krikštytojo bažnyčia

The church is of eclectic style and was built on the right bank of the Nemunas-Dubysa confluence in 1913. According to legend, the first church of Seredžius had a sacred painting carried by the spring floods of the Nemunas River, which no one could stop. Believers from all the parishes of Panemune went to welcome the painting, wishing to adorn their own churches with it. The painting floated down the Nemunas, and no one could seize it. The people of Seredžius went out to greet the painting while singing hymns. The painting turned toward the shore right at the place where they stood. A wooden church was later built on that spot in Seredžius.

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