On August 23-24, the festival organizers invite everyone to Pagėgiai, where various activities will be available to entertain and delight both local residents and visitors!
On August 23, the Pagėgiai Municipal Cultural Center will open an exhibition of medals collected by the esteemed doctor Teresė Šabasevičienė, who is respected across generations.
The festive day on August 24 will traditionally begin with the "Mikytai – Pagėgiai" run, where participants of various age groups can test their strength. Basketball enthusiasts will have the chance to compete for the Pagėgiai Municipality Mayor's Cup. Awarded athletes will head to the city festival venue at the Pagėgiai Municipal Cultural Center.
Art lovers will have the opportunity at 12:00 PM to participate in the presentation of the Small Lithuania Wall of Famous People at the Pagėgiai Municipal Cultural Center and the Eugenijus Skipičio memorial afternoon. From 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, the Tauragė "Robotics Academy" will offer engaging activities for children. Pets will also have activities: from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Justė Nausėdienė, chairwoman of the Tauragė Dog Lovers Club "Loja," owner of the "Tylioji Kalva" kennel, and cynologist, will hold an exhibition/competition where pets can win various prizes, and their owners can share knowledge about dog breeding, breeds, abilities, and character. There will even be snail races! From 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Pagėgiai municipal institutions will invite you to their courtyards, where you will find various activities, prizes, and a great atmosphere. While some will compete for the best prizes from Pagėgiai municipal institutions in real-time and location, others will be able to dive into virtual reality from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. During the festival, there will be entertainment for children with "Kukulis," "Šventinė iliuzija," "Linksmasis traukinukas," and pony rides. The festival will feature a fair where everyone can find something to purchase.
At 7:00 PM, the official opening of the festival will take place: awarding of athletes and farmers, welcoming newborns, honoring the amateur groups and their leaders from Pagėgiai Municipality who participated in the Lithuanian Song Festival and Tauragė Regional Song Festival, and at 7:50 PM, greetings from the Mayor of Pagėgiai Municipality, Vaidas Bendaravičius.
In the concert program of the festival: at 8:00 PM, Simas and Gabrielė, at 9:00 PM, Deividas Bastys, at 10:00 PM, the band "Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio dantys," at 11:00 PM, an unprecedented GreenTrials bike show from Latvia, and the festival’s highlight at 11:45 PM – a laser show.
Let’s create pleasant memories!
Festival Host: Simas Buziliauskas
Organizer: Pagėgiai Municipal Cultural Center
Festival Financed By: Pagėgiai Municipality Administration
Partners: Pagėgiai Police Commissariat, Pagėgiai Eldership, Pagėgiai Municipality Vydūnas Public Library
Information Sponsors: Voruta.lt
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